70 years ago, on 05 August 1949, the Council of the City of Bonn ( at that time the Capital of West-Germany) decided after heated exchanges op opinions of after-war Germany: “The newly to be created public traffic square close to the Rhine bridge will be named Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz”.
Nowadays, the square is one of Bonn’s busiest traffic junctions. Several thousand persons pass through The Bertha von Suttner Platz every day, being ignorant of who this woman was. This changed on September 21 2019, as the tram stop now has a showcase informing over the life and work of this Nobel Peace Prize laureate of 1905. Also, for one year, the “Bertha Tram” ( Bertha Bahn in German) will travel through the city. Initiated by the Women’s Network for Peace e.V. (FNF) and the Network Peace Cooperative and generously supported by municipal institutions Stadtwerke Bonn, Stadt Bonn and Stadtarchiv Bonn the inaugutation of the Bertha Bahn took place on Peaceday 2019.
More info: https://www.frauennetzwerk-fuer-frieden.de/images/Bertha-Bahn_Flyer_mit_Logos.pdf