Selfie with Bertha von Suttner

Send us your peace selfie with Bertha von Suttner and we’ll publish it on this page


February 2018 visit from GIZ interns, from Germany. From left: Victoria, Mona, Klara, Nathanael, Lisa
26 Oct 2017: Brainstorm meeting in the BvS building about the upcoming
Anniversary party for Bertha; From left to right- interns and volunteers Kanon (Japan), Alex
(USA), Daria (Austria), Fallon (Netherlands), Ivan (Spain) and Katie (UK)
Since September 2017, trustworthy Anneke Hazelebach-de Waal is the
Peace-Institute’s volunteer on organisational and financial matters, helping
with fundraising!
Ter ere van het honderdjarig bestaan van het Vredespaleis maakte de
bekende beeldhouwster Ingrid Rollema van Bertha von Suttner aan een
In honour of the centenary of the Peace Palace, the famous sculptor, Ingrid Rollema, made a bust of Bertha von Suttner