The Permanent Court of Arbitration : after the first Peace Conference, The Hague became the permanent site for the first international institute for peace and justice, ever. The permanence of this court has nothing to do with having the judges in The Hague all the time. There was a list of judges who where available for causes and countries who were interested in arbitrage settlement could choose out of a list the judges of their taste. The judges then came temporarily to the Hague. Only the board and the international bureau (secretariat) were permanently based in The Hague. The installement happenend in 1901, the venue was a villa at the elegant Prinsegracht 71. The most known success of the early years of the PCA concerned an English-Russian war in 1904.
In 1981, the international bureau worked on the claims tribunal between Iran and the US.
The House den Bosch was too small for all delegates of the conference. Therefore, the event was moved to the Binnenhof. There were rooms arranged and equipped with electric lightning. The Ridderzaal, recently been renovated, was an appropriate hall for the general meeting. The secretariat general of the Peace Conference was located at Plein 2313. The eighth Zionist congress took place in August in the Building of Arts and Sciences.
Before the conference, the Peace societies and individuals had collected hundred thousands of signatures, sent in petitions and signatures lists.